Goals and Purpose

This blog was designed as part of my pursuit of an Educational Specialist degree in Media/Instructional Technology. For my first class, MEDT 7464, Integrating Technology into Curriculum, this blog will be used as a communication portal with other class and project members about the various ways that educators utilize technology to enhance student learning. Another goal for this blog is to share technology-based projects using Voicethread, Comic Life, and MovieMaker that I have created throughout this class.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Working Definition of Technology Integration.

After reading many articles, posts and discussion on technology integration I have developed my own working definition of technology integration into educational settings. The educational institutions and administrators should seek a collaborative effort with the educators and the students to define clear obtainable outcomes for the specific desired technologies. The technology should not only be considered as tools to help teachers to their jobs, but as interactive method in which students complete their tasks. Through proper and continued training teachers should be able to gradually build their implementation of technology into their classrooms. With a strong commitment from educational institutions and administrators to procure updated resources paired with effective and ongoing training teachers will be equipped with the knowledge and desire to facilitate the use of technology for motivated, creative, and high level student productivity.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What the hell is a blog anyway?

This is all new to me. Diving in feet first so it's sink or swim. Somebody throw me some swimmies.

Christmas at the Gift Wrapping Department