Goals and Purpose

This blog was designed as part of my pursuit of an Educational Specialist degree in Media/Instructional Technology. For my first class, MEDT 7464, Integrating Technology into Curriculum, this blog will be used as a communication portal with other class and project members about the various ways that educators utilize technology to enhance student learning. Another goal for this blog is to share technology-based projects using Voicethread, Comic Life, and MovieMaker that I have created throughout this class.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Emerging Technology that Supports Creativity and Production (Blog Post 8)

I enjoyed this chapter on creativity since I feel that as a man I was born without this gene. I feel that I work hard at being creative and compared to my other male counterparts I do OK, but fall short when compared to our faculty as a whole. Because of this I think that I have been reluctant to teach creativity since I feel somewhat deficient in that area. In order to improve my teaching I focused on Egbert’s (2009) five suggested characteristics for creative tasks interesting. I feel better equipped to assign more creative tasks by following these guidelines:
Keep the task focused on content by making sure the students have some prior knowledge
Encourage divergent thinking by support of new
Integrate creative strategies through acceptance of various solutions to problems and projects.
It is essential that tasks are engaging
Be sure to support diversity though informational feedback.
I know that the incorporation of creative tasks will start with baby steps but I fell that I know have a starting point.

Egbert, J. (2009). Supporting learning with technology: essentials of classroom practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

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