Goals and Purpose

This blog was designed as part of my pursuit of an Educational Specialist degree in Media/Instructional Technology. For my first class, MEDT 7464, Integrating Technology into Curriculum, this blog will be used as a communication portal with other class and project members about the various ways that educators utilize technology to enhance student learning. Another goal for this blog is to share technology-based projects using Voicethread, Comic Life, and MovieMaker that I have created throughout this class.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Article on Comic Life

Create Your Own Comic Strip with Comic Life

retrieved from the WWW on 9/23/2009
Although this article is not about how the Comic Life software can be utilized in educational settings I felt that some of his points were relative to school age children. While discussing how the software can offer a new and different way to present pictures he mentions that creating the comic strips with Comic Life is not only "easy" and "fun" for the creator but fun to view by the intended audience. I had the same experience with the software and immediately understood how it can engage learners while creating and presenting class projects.

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