Goals and Purpose

This blog was designed as part of my pursuit of an Educational Specialist degree in Media/Instructional Technology. For my first class, MEDT 7464, Integrating Technology into Curriculum, this blog will be used as a communication portal with other class and project members about the various ways that educators utilize technology to enhance student learning. Another goal for this blog is to share technology-based projects using Voicethread, Comic Life, and MovieMaker that I have created throughout this class.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ideas and Suggestions for Voice Thread in Math.

The purpose of my sample voice thread (embeded below) is to show how problems can be posted for students to discuss and solve. The discussion will help those who understand the problems teach others as well as for those who don't understand as much to learn form their peers. The discussion also has students revisit skills practiced during the day and allows our students an avenue to talk in the language of the standards.

These are some other suggestions on how to use the Voice Thread software in a math class.
  • At my school I teache single gender math classes. I teach the boys. One thing that I do with my boys is create a unified group, a team. Boys love to be a part of a team. The voice thread would be a great way for my students to get to know each other. Each student can make a slide with a photo and a comment that tells something they want to share. Once completed a requirement for the class would be to go to the project and post one positive comment or question for each student. I think that this would help the boys get to know and understand each other in a new and engaging way.
  • With math I love the idea of posting a few questions or problems so my students can revisit the days skills. On of the standards in Georgia is that student must speak in the language of the standard. By creating discussion on math the voice thread softwear helps me achieve this standard.
  • I would love to use the texting responses in class. How my students would love to take out their cell phones and text in answers and comments to problems posted.
  • With Geometry Proofs student struggle with memorizing the proofs. By creating discussion I feel that students can learn from each other and also retain the information longer by discussion and debate.
As I explore this software further through integration into my classroom I will post other ideas that I come up with.


Barbara Snidow said...

Awesome ideas. When I first looked at Voicethread--I thought how in the world can I incorporate it in math. There are many ways that this tool can enhance our curriculum!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen on using texting. I would definitely have to get that cleared by the administration, and I would have to watch them like hawks. But, it would be awesome to have a writing Voice Thread which they are texting in suggestions for improving the sentences/ideas in the Voice Thread. I might could actually get them interested in writing for a change. Thanks for the great idea.

Christmas at the Gift Wrapping Department