Goals and Purpose
This blog was designed as part of my pursuit of an Educational Specialist degree in Media/Instructional Technology. For my first class, MEDT 7464, Integrating Technology into Curriculum, this blog will be used as a communication portal with other class and project members about the various ways that educators utilize technology to enhance student learning. Another goal for this blog is to share technology-based projects using Voicethread, Comic Life, and MovieMaker that I have created throughout this class.
Voice Thread Project
The purpose of the VoiceThread project is to gain an understanding of how this software can be used in the classroom to enhance learning. As a group we have created examples from science, math, and language arts. You can preview these examples at the links provided inthe links section of this blog. I discovered that by using the VoiceThread software my classes can utilize this technological tool to promote discussion and interaction between the teachers and students. In addition our group has collaborated and created a workshop that will teach and inform other educatiors about integrating this technilogical strategy in their own classrooms.
Hey Michael--
I would put a link to your voicethread here. I know it is at the bottom, but having it here will keep all of your stuff together.
If you to to voice thread and choose embed, you can put in your blogger user name, password, and blog title. Then, voice thread will embed your project in your blog. It is super easy.
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